
Lights Out! by NeoWinstonSmith

Lights Out!  Lights Out!  The Power Grid's down. I'm about to wild out!  X4 Yo, the grid’s gone dark, no lights in the streets,   City’s silent, no more electric beats.   Power’s out, but the mind stays lit,   We’re back to basics, gotta adapt and commit. No screens, no feeds, no digital noise,   Just the raw reality, stripped of our toys.   Gotta think quick, survival mode’s on,   Reinvent life from dusk 'til dawn. When the power’s down, we’re on our own,   No signals, no Wi-Fi, just the unknown.   Lights out, but we’ll find our way,   In the darkness, we’ll make a new day. Got the gear packed, ready for the shift,   In this blackout, survival’s the gift.   Water’s a must, and the food’s on lock,   Gotta stay sharp, tick-tock, tick-tock. Neighbors become allies, in this fight for the light,   We’re the new watchmen, no end in sight.   But in the struggle, there’s a chance to be free,   Find the strength in the dark, the real you and me. When the power’s down, we’re on our

Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Watch "Cats Are Better Than Dogs  #catsarethebest" on YouTube

Eclipsed by the Moon's Dark Veil

Eclipsed by the Moon's Dark Veil Beneath the shroud of night, my secrets hide, In shadows deep where mortal fears reside. For centuries I've walked this earth unseen, A whisper in the dark, a phantom in between. I’ve burned my prints, erased each trace, No mark of mine in any place. The constables, they never knew, The lengths I’d go, the lies I’d sew. They think they know, those myths they spin, But truth and lore are paper-thin. I don't glitter in the sun's embrace, But I can shift, a bat in flight, a hidden face. I am the darkness in your sacred light, No sparkling tale, just endless night. From cradle to grave, I shift, I change, Innocence stolen, identities rearranged. Infants' names, I wore like masks, In every epoch, new life tasks. A tender age, a tender ruse, Their stolen breath, my lifeblood’s muse. But now the world, it tightens chains, With eyes that see and minds that reign. Their screens, their codes, a binding spell, That locks the doors of my private

Daily Livewire Liars Should Retire

Fuck Daily Wire and Shapiro, you know that Ben ain't shit, but a genocidal war monger that can suck my dick... Real nigga is my pronouns and told/you/so. Proud conspiracy theorist, spitting truth like a pro.