Eclipsed by the Moon's Dark Veil

Eclipsed by the Moon's Dark Veil

Beneath the shroud of night, my secrets hide,
In shadows deep where mortal fears reside.
For centuries I've walked this earth unseen,
A whisper in the dark, a phantom in between.

I’ve burned my prints, erased each trace,
No mark of mine in any place.
The constables, they never knew,
The lengths I’d go, the lies I’d sew.

They think they know, those myths they spin,
But truth and lore are paper-thin.
I don't glitter in the sun's embrace,
But I can shift, a bat in flight, a hidden face.

I am the darkness in your sacred light,
No sparkling tale, just endless night.
From cradle to grave, I shift, I change,
Innocence stolen, identities rearranged.

Infants' names, I wore like masks,
In every epoch, new life tasks.
A tender age, a tender ruse,
Their stolen breath, my lifeblood’s muse.

But now the world, it tightens chains,
With eyes that see and minds that reign.
Their screens, their codes, a binding spell,
That locks the doors of my private hell.

Stake through the heart? A tale so old,
Yet silver burns, and holy water's cold.
The garlic’s stench, it makes me laugh,
While mirrors show my darker half.

I am the darkness in your sacred light,
No sparkling tale, just endless night.
From cradle to grave, I shift, I change,
Innocence stolen, identities rearranged.

The holy texts, they spoke of me,
Not in light, but shadows free.
The blood of Christ, the wine they drink,
A mirror to my eternal link.

In psalms and chants, I find my name,
A wraith, a ghost, immune to flame.
The rites of old, they bless my path,
In every hymn, a lover’s wrath.

Aging faces, mortal plight,
I watch them fade, from dark to light.
Yet here I stand, a relic true,
In this new age, my essence due.

Their cameras pierce my thin façade,
No longer safe, a life outlawed.
Yet still I prowl, a wolf in mist,
A hunger that will not desist.

A cross, a sign, it bears no weight,
But sunlight burns, a searing fate.
In castles dark, I’ve made my home,
From crypt to crypt, forever roam.

I am the darkness in your sacred light,
No sparkling tale, just endless night.
From cradle to grave, I shift, I change,
Innocence stolen, identities rearranged.

In centuries past, I walked with kings,
And felt the pain that power brings.
From palace halls to peasant lanes,
In every heart, I left my stains.

Through plagues and wars, I’ve wandered far,
Underneath the same cold star.
With each new age, a shifting guise,
A nameless face in countless eyes.

I've seen the rise and fall of states,
The crumbling of the grandest gates.
Through history's threads, I weave my part,
A timeless dance, an artless art.

I am the darkness in your sacred light,
No sparkling tale, just endless night.
From cradle to grave, I shift, I change,
Innocence stolen, identities rearranged.

The sacred scriptures hold their truth,
In every myth, a grain uncouth.
The sacrament, a blood-soaked rite,
Reflects my thirst, my endless night.

In whispered prayers, they speak of dread,
A shadow realm, the living dead.
The ancient tomes, they know my plight,
A creature born of endless night.

As ages pass, I learn and bend,
In every era, find new friends.
From darkened alleys to neon lights,
I claim my feast in endless nights.

No modern tool can capture me,
No algorithm set me free.
For in the dark, I am the king,
A timeless beast, an endless sting.

Yet now I find, the world has changed,
Its pulse and beat, its range estranged.
A challenge new, I must embrace,
To keep my secrets, leave no trace.

I am the darkness in your sacred light,
No sparkling tale, just endless night.
From cradle to grave, I shift, I change,
Innocence stolen, identities rearranged.

So heed my tale, in twilight's breath,
The vampire’s curse, eternal death.
A shadow cast upon your soul,
In moonlight’s grip, I take control.

From dusk till dawn, I roam the skies,
A hunter's gaze, in human guise.
In every myth, in every lore,
A truth within, forevermore.

In labyrinths of blood and bone,
A dance macabre, forever alone.
A whispered name in forgotten tongues,
Where time is twisted, ever young.

I’ve seen the end, the void’s embrace,
A silent scream in empty space.
The stars will fade, the moon will wane,
Yet I remain, in endless pain.

Through veils of night, I slip, I slide,
In cryptic dreams where shadows bide.
An echo in eternity, a riddle in the dark,
I am the beast, the silent spark.

In moonlit mirrors, truths unveiled,
In shadows deep, my fate is sealed.
No end, no peace, just ceaseless flight,
An ageless soul in endless night.

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